Notice the Amendment of Urban Renewal F5-1 Rewards for the Renewal Volume of Urban Regeneration Evaluation Criteria, which will Return to Administrative Examination in the Future
In order to promote the clarification of the limit rewards for the renewal volume of urban regeneration application, Taipei City Government planned to revise “Rewards Volume for the Renewal Unit Design of Taipei City Regeneration Evaluation Criteria”, to clarify and revise the Rewards for the Renewal Volume△F5-1(taking the harmonic architectural design, such as the mass of neighborhood building, appearance, color, and location, barrier free environment and urban disaster prevention into account), to advance the time to estimate rewards for the renewal volume of urban regeneration at the beginning of the project, and to increase the predictability. “Review system” will be changed to “administrative examination”, which will improve the review efficacy and reduce the uncertainty of urban renewal approval.
There are 6 paragraphs from △F1 to △F6 in the current rewards for the renewal volume of urban regeneration assessment criteria, among which there are 6 articles from △F5-1 to △F5-6 in △F5. Each reward for the renewal volume of urban regeneration clearly states calculation equations. The reward limit of △F5-1 only regulates a maximum, the actual approved limit is determined after the discussion of Urban Renewal and Dispute Settlement Review Committee. It causes uncertainty due to the implementer cannot estimate the rewards for the renewal volume of urban regeneration precisely during the integration and detail plan research for the building mass before submission.
Therefore, Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office drew up an amendment of assessment criteria to improve the stability of urban renewal project. With the collaboration of public and private sectors, professional teams from The Real Estate Development Association of Taipei and Taipei Architects Association were invited to participate in the revision operation. In the meantime, Taipei City Government drew on collective wisdom from professions and absorb all practical ideas. The final decision was made by Deputy Mayor Lin. The draft has been announced publicly since November 24 for 20 days before launching to the legal review process officially.
There are four main aspects of the draft, “environment harmonization”, “living safety and quality improvement”, “resilient cities development” and “smart cities development”, to assess in detail the “architectural design”, “barrier free environment”, “urban disaster prevention” and “smart building” for renewal sites. It not only introduces the target concept of resilient cities and smart city, but also improves public welfare urban renewal projects, strengthens function of urban disaster prevention and meets the needs of aging society. The context of assessment will be converted to a quantitative and qualitative standard by a detail check list, which integrates button-up urban development key issues and resolve top-down integration difficulties of region redevelopment. Rewards for the renewal volume of urban regeneration offer diversified application items, different types of environmental contribution can have flexible choices in accordance to the condition of sites under unchanged maximum limit.
The approval standard and the calculation method of limit in △F5-1 will be clearly stipulated for the rewards for the renewal volume of urban regeneration in the future. The context of the application and the scheme of architectural design will be tailored according to the characteristics of architects and after discussing with interested parties. The “review system” will be adjusted to “administrative examination”, the approach of check list will be checked and approved by professional architects. After the confirmation from Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office and Board of Directors, the application will be resolved by Urban Renewal Review Committee. Advancing the time of renewal volume of urban regeneration at the beginning of the project can make accurate estimation. The review efficacy can be improved significantly and the uncertainty of design and integration of building mass can be reduced by the approval of professional architects.