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Taipei City Government’s Goal to the Acquisition of 20,000 Public Housing with Multiple Means within 4 Years is Constant

According to the news report, Taipei City Government reduced the number of public housing to 18,000 household, which is the policy unable to fulfill promise. Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government clarified that reducing the number of household was in response to the public opinions through communication during the process. Parts of the regions have been brought into deferred projects at later stage. The number of household has been adjusted at present; besides, Taipei City Government actively looked for alternatives to acquire public housing with multiple means and the goal of building 20,000 public housing within 4 years is still constant.
Department of Urban Development explained the sites for public housing shall conform with TOD (Transit Oriented Development) and improvement measures shall be proposed for related problems. The sites for Taipei public housing shall conform with the conditions, such as total area shall not less than 2,000 square meters or the site may build more than 100 household, the ownership is public-owned, it can be built at once, certain regions can be used or unused public land is suitable, site is near MRT station at a distance of 500 meters or near bus stop at a distance of 300 meters. Currently, the sites for 20,000 public housing are mostly long-term reserved sites and are in residential areas. As for the rezoning sites, Board of Urban Planning considered traffic, public facilities and related problems during review process. Taipei City Government communicated with local residents and illustrated thoroughly while implementing public housing plan.

Department of Urban Development indicated that Taipei City Government will hold public hearing after budgeting at the sites of public housing. So far, there were 29 public hearings held to the end of 2016. In the hearings, part of neighborhood residents proposed suggestions and opinions on the traffic, environment and related impact of mass control development. Department of Urban Development carefully investigated and examined the number of household, which leaded to a reduction. Take Guangci community as an example, the number of household was planned at 2,800 at first, after discussion with local residents many times, the number of household finally reduced to 1,562 (1,238 household less); the local residents of Sanxing Section, Xinyi District and Former Military Maintenance AB Plant concerned the impact on traffic, the number of household has been reduced, with a total of 400 household; 3 sites in Wensan District (Huaxing Section, shunting yard at Taipei Jingmei Girls High School and Southern side of Jingmei Sports Park) have been reduced from 954 household to 439 household (515 household less) and the plan which builds 700 household has been suspended at military housing area, Xingde Village. The total number of household has been reduced more than 2,800. On the other hand, Taipei City Government rechecked government-owned and city-owned land, the new sites have been brought into 2017 and 1018 public building plan. Moreover, Taipei City Government also acquired public housing with multiple means simultaneously through bulk reward of joint Urban Development Plan, rezoning city-owned land to residential area and renovating city-owned unused military housing community, e.g. City Government has invested 37 million dollars to renovate unused military housing community at Hsinxing market site which provides 37 household of public housing. The number of public housing will increase through the measures gradually.

Our goal of building 20,000 household within 4 years is constant, not only by communication with local residents but by multiple acquisition model to reach the expected objective.