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"Taipei Extraordinary" exhibition wins First Prize of 2011 Taipei Landscape Award

Urban Redevelopment Office of Taipei City has recently closed the 4 months long reputed “Taipei Extraordinary” exhibition in URS27 the Grand Green. It has 14 creative units demonstrating unique charm of alley characteristic in Taipei. While the exhibition itself is an art feature, there were hundreds of events attracting citizens come over the field, such as film and image show, lectures, musicals, concerts, puppet drama, photography, dance and installment art presentation. The mixed and creative landscape and elaborated discourse of little ensured bliss in Taipei has wined the appreciation from local residents and international visitors, as well as the juries of 2011 Taipei Landscape Award. The juries were impressed with the ambition behind the exhibition, to take the back alley and community relationship as treasure into the redevelopment process rather than only focus on property price. The core value of ordinary life is easily confused and dumped in redevelopment process, which is the caution message from Urban Regeneration Station (URS) scheme. All URS information can be found in www.urstaipei.net (chinese)