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"Xinyi fun City, Wonderful 100” zone and creativity events officially begins

Xinyi District’s development started in 1981 and will enjoy its 30th anniversary this year. Throughout this period, the district faced many planning challenges, including: the building of a skyscraper, the construction of a sky walk bridge system, the opening of an expressway, launching of Taipei City Hall Bus Station and many other financial activities. All of these elements made Xinyi not just the Taipei governmental center, but also a financial center and fashion center, in addition to many other important roles. It serves as Taipei’s gateway to the world. For the celebration of Xinyi’s 30th anniversary, the Department of Urban Development spin on the theme of “ Xinyi fun City, Wonderful 100” in hosting a series of activity, includes “Travel Xinyi”, ”In Xinyi”, ”Focus Xinyi” and “International Urbanity Forum”. All of the series began operation at the end of September. Every Saturday in October, volunteers will be guiding visitors through Xinyi District and allowing visitors to understand the history and the core values of the city. On 21st of Oct the opening ceremony will be held in front of Vieshow pedestrian walkway with videos to show the past and present of Xinyi. Then on the 28th and 29th , there will be four places (Taipei 101, Eslite, New Stage and Vieshow pedestrian) with designed XY (abbreviation of Xinyi) booths where citizens can check in and collect stamps at each booth. The event is to promote tourism around the district. After the completion of collecting all of the stamps, citizens will be able to take a picture at Vieshow Pedestrian zone to exchange for a limited present. Lastly, on the 30th of Oct at the Vieshow Pedestrian zone, there will be a ceremony showing X and Y shapes combined with a music concert to celebrate the 30th birthday of the district. Please join us with all your enthusiasm!!